11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rec Basketball: KINDERGARTEN ONLY - Kindergarten Boys and Girls (Group 3) The Thomaston Rec Department will be accepting registration for Instructional Youth Basketball for grades K-2.*The program runs on Saturday Mornings at Black Rock School for eight weeks beginning of Saturday January 4th and ending on Saturday February 22nd.*Both Groups for grades 1-2 will have a scheduled practice in the week (Wednesday or Thursday 5:30 - 6:30pm)Registration Deadline: Monday, December 16th
Times:Grades 1-2 (Group 1): 9:30-10:30amGrades 1-2 (Group 2): 10:30-11:30amKindergarten (Group 3): 11:30 - 12:30pRegistrations taken after these dates are subject to availability on a first-come first-served basis and put on a waiting list.*All parents will have their choice of the available groups listed above, based on availability. Each group has room for only 18 Children. Once registering for your chosen time, that will be your assigned time for every week of the session.*You cannot change groups or attend other classes.